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binary search tree中文是什么意思

用"binary search tree"造句"binary search tree"怎么读"binary search tree" in a sentence


  • 对分查找树
  • 对分检索树
  • 二叉查找树
  • 二叉检索树
  • 二叉排序树
  • 二叉搜索树
  • 二元搜索树
  • 二元搜寻树


  • On the subtrees of random binary search trees
  • A binary search tree is a binary tree with the following properties
    二进制搜索树( bst )是具有以下属性的二进制树:
  • Binary search tree
  • Binary search trees are useful for finding items in a list that changes infrequently
  • Add and remove operations are typically expensive since binary search trees require that a tree be balanced
  • Simple binary tree class - binary search trees are useful for finding items in a list that changes infrequently
  • The split of search space can be described as a virtue binary search tree and the info - search process is similar to the search in the binary tree
  • Using a binary search tree or dividing the string into segments as long as the square root of the length of the string will solve the problem
  • In the above example , a simple hashmap or binary search tree could have easily solved the problem , but implementing one of these data structures in xsl would be inconvenient and unnecessary
    在上面的示例中,如果使用一个简单的散列图( hashmap )或二进制搜索树就可以轻易地解决问题,但是用xsl实现一个这样的数据结构并不是很方便,并且是不必要的。
用"binary search tree"造句  


In computer science, a binary search tree (BST), sometimes also called an ordered or sorted binary tree, is a node-based binary tree data structure
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